Last Sync Date - 1/01/1900 0:00:00

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Active CRM Users - 2

Full Name License Type Modified On Created On
User Super Full 7/03/2015 0:22:53 28/02/2015 20:51:40
Admin SH2013 Full 7/03/2015 0:22:51 6/03/2015 18:01:23

Inactive CRM Users - 101

Full Name License Type Modified On Created On
Vermeiren Matthias 5 21/08/2019 8:01:04 12/05/2016 11:16:45
Vanacker Niels Full 21/08/2019 8:01:03 4/02/2019 9:45:41
Verbeke Charlotte Full 21/08/2019 8:01:03 28/02/2015 20:52:19
Vandamme Sara Full 21/08/2019 8:01:03 15/02/2016 10:56:44
Toumi Amanda 5 21/08/2019 8:01:02 12/05/2016 11:16:52
User Workflow Full 21/08/2019 8:01:02 28/02/2015 20:52:12
Robert Aurélie Full 21/08/2019 8:01:02 28/02/2015 20:52:24
Plat Amaurine Full 21/08/2019 8:01:01 4/02/2019 9:44:42
Préaux Elise Full 21/08/2019 8:01:01 28/02/2015 20:51:17
Op de Beeck Juny Full 21/08/2019 8:01:00 28/02/2015 20:51:35
Mascagni Laurence 5 21/08/2019 8:01:00 12/05/2016 11:16:49
Leys Kirsten Full 21/08/2019 8:00:59 28/02/2015 20:52:21
Liefooghe Sofie 5 21/08/2019 8:00:59 12/05/2016 11:16:51
Lernout Lynn Full 21/08/2019 8:00:58 16/02/2018 14:11:24
Lesage Christy 5 21/08/2019 8:00:58 12/05/2016 11:16:50
Janti Morgan 5 21/08/2019 8:00:57 12/05/2016 11:16:53
Infrabel Website Full 21/08/2019 8:00:57 28/02/2015 20:51:21
Last First Full 21/08/2019 8:00:57 28/02/2015 20:51:40
Infrabel Interim Full 21/08/2019 8:00:56 28/03/2017 7:59:00
Infrabel Media Full 21/08/2019 8:00:56 29/03/2019 12:31:00
Denoiseux Aurélie Full 21/08/2019 8:00:55 28/02/2015 20:52:14
E-mail User Full 21/08/2019 8:00:55 28/02/2015 20:51:40
Davoise Elodie Full 21/08/2019 8:00:54 15/03/2017 12:11:30
Brahim Kendil 5 21/08/2019 8:00:54 12/05/2016 11:16:50
Bardiau Julie Full 21/08/2019 8:00:52 1/12/2016 11:24:16
N-Allo Superviseur Full 16/07/2019 7:17:57 28/02/2015 20:52:11
Devos Bjorn Full 16/07/2019 7:17:50 28/02/2015 20:52:09
De Schauwer Iwan Full 16/07/2019 7:17:42 28/02/2015 20:52:08
Sonneville Heidi Full 16/07/2019 7:17:32 18/07/2017 12:31:28
Faccoli Sandra Full 16/07/2019 7:17:23 28/02/2015 20:52:04
Verhaeghe Hélène Full 16/07/2019 7:17:15 28/02/2015 20:52:03
Thi Thu Nguyen Full 16/07/2019 7:17:06 28/02/2015 20:51:59
Dewitte Ann Full 16/07/2019 7:16:58 28/02/2015 20:51:49
Baegen Nell Full 16/07/2019 7:16:49 28/02/2015 20:51:47
Brasme Nathalie Full 16/07/2019 7:16:40 28/02/2015 20:51:44
Serrout Sylvie Full 16/07/2019 7:16:30 28/02/2015 20:51:41
Andries Wilfried Full 4/01/2019 13:42:27 28/02/2015 20:51:50
N-Allo17 - Full 4/01/2019 13:40:24 28/02/2015 20:51:51
N-Allo9 - Full 4/01/2019 13:40:24 28/02/2015 20:52:10
N-Allo12 - Full 4/01/2019 13:38:38 28/02/2015 20:51:49
N-Allo3 - Full 4/01/2019 13:38:38 28/02/2015 20:51:56
Filip Willockx Full 4/01/2019 13:37:40 28/02/2015 20:52:11
Buyle Leslie Full 18/09/2018 8:10:15 28/02/2015 20:52:26
Student1 Student Full 3/09/2018 8:55:37 28/02/2015 20:52:10
Communication External Full 28/02/2018 8:22:19 30/11/2016 8:40:17
N-Allo42 - Full 2/01/2018 13:08:20 28/02/2015 20:52:07
N-Allo2 - Full 2/01/2018 13:08:13 28/02/2015 20:51:52
Gommers Silke Full 29/11/2017 13:26:10 15/09/2017 7:30:40
Brantegem Matthias Full 21/08/2017 9:56:11 5/04/2017 12:32:07
Forgiarini Melissa Full 31/07/2017 7:58:37 19/04/2017 12:02:27
N-Allo33 - Full 30/06/2017 7:28:20 28/02/2015 20:51:58
Therasse Nicolas Full 26/06/2017 8:43:00 28/02/2015 20:52:25
Tilmant Valérie Full 28/03/2017 8:14:27 13/01/2017 9:08:12
Workstation Xerox Full 22/02/2017 13:03:14 12/01/2016 10:59:00
Zandvlient Lilo District Berendrecht Full 22/02/2017 12:28:58 14/01/2016 15:31:12
Pollentier Christine 5 3/10/2016 8:09:12 7/08/2015 10:32:07
N-Allo45 - Full 2/05/2016 9:18:14 28/02/2015 20:51:27
N-Allo32 - Full 2/05/2016 9:18:04 28/02/2015 20:51:57
Molens Marie Full 1/04/2016 6:59:25 28/02/2015 20:52:23
Kim Buggenhout Full 2/11/2015 8:49:44 28/02/2015 20:51:21
Benjamin Bergiers Full 2/11/2015 8:49:43 19/03/2015 10:33:25
Kevin Florin (admin) Full 2/10/2015 10:08:32 28/02/2015 20:51:34
Joseph Brion Full 3/09/2015 10:21:00 28/02/2015 20:51:21
User RIV-BBW Full 19/03/2015 8:19:50 28/02/2015 20:52:11
N-Allo5 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:34 28/02/2015 20:52:07
N-Allo7 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:34 28/02/2015 20:52:09
N-Allo41 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:33 28/02/2015 20:52:06
N-Allo43 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:33 28/02/2015 20:51:27
N-Allo44 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:33 28/02/2015 20:51:27
N-Allo4 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:32 28/02/2015 20:52:06
N-Allo40 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:32 28/02/2015 20:52:06
N-Allo37 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:08 28/02/2015 20:52:03
N-Allo36 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:08 28/02/2015 20:52:02
N-Allo35 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:08 28/02/2015 20:52:01
N-Allo30 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:07 28/02/2015 20:51:56
N-Allo31 - Full 19/03/2015 8:19:07 28/02/2015 20:51:57
N-Allo29 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:48 28/02/2015 20:51:56
N-Allo28 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:48 28/02/2015 20:51:55
N-Allo27 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:47 28/02/2015 20:51:55
N-Allo26 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:47 28/02/2015 20:51:55
N-Allo25 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:47 28/02/2015 20:51:53
N-Allo22 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:46 28/02/2015 20:51:53
N-Allo24 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:46 28/02/2015 20:51:53
N-Allo23 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:46 28/02/2015 20:51:53
N-Allo20 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:45 28/02/2015 20:51:52
N-Allo21 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:45 28/02/2015 20:51:52
N-Allo19 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:26 28/02/2015 20:51:52
N-Allo16 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:25 28/02/2015 20:51:51
N-Allo18 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:25 28/02/2015 20:51:51
N-Allo15 - Full 19/03/2015 8:18:24 28/02/2015 20:51:50
Habay Sophie Full 7/03/2015 0:23:07 28/02/2015 20:52:27
Rodrigues Patricia Full 7/03/2015 0:23:07 28/02/2015 20:52:27
Mieke Meert Full 7/03/2015 0:23:06 28/02/2015 20:52:25
Van Driessche Chloé Full 7/03/2015 0:23:06 28/02/2015 20:52:26
Bogaert Evelyne Full 7/03/2015 0:23:06 28/02/2015 20:52:26
Vandeputte Liesbeth Full 7/03/2015 0:23:05 28/02/2015 20:52:22
Dumez Ellen Full 7/03/2015 0:23:04 28/02/2015 20:52:16
Van Den Bergh Anke Full 7/03/2015 0:23:04 28/02/2015 20:52:19
Van Den Heuvel Madelinde Full 7/03/2015 0:22:51 28/02/2015 20:51:31
Davy De Witte Full 7/03/2015 0:22:50 28/02/2015 20:51:28
Thibaut De Gyns Full 7/03/2015 0:22:49 28/02/2015 20:51:26